Recent health findings:
Adolescent soccer players who ate raisins during game breaks in a study showed significantly higher blood sugar levels at the end of the game.
Compared to other common snacks, raisins did not trigger the "let down" or low energy response found a few hours later with the other snacks, among people tested.
Potassium, a key nutrient in raisins, may help reduce the risk of stroke, lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart arrhythmias, and prevent some types of kidney disease.
Adding just 3 ounces of raisins daily to the diet may prevent constipation and protect against some colon diseases.
ps: i eat it everyday since one week ago.. i bought the 500gm one! HAHA. it's yum and not sinful :D
consume everyday till now left one quarter plus only man!!
IceQueen♥ i just knew too much