Tuesday, August 4, 2009

philips or sony

hi readers, yes you are right, the impulse icequeen had went to check on the prices of portable dvd player just yesterday when she initially said she will check during friday's expo sale..

initially wanted to check the price for philips pdp only, so headed to the best denki at century square to see. it is selling at $299 nett but from what i see from the display, the resolution of the images does not look as good as the small sony pdp [7 inched] placed besides it, despite of it's 9 inched wide screen. and after having a closer look at the sony pdp's screen, i realise that the quality was super clear, in fact perfect! moreover it's on clearance sale, usual price is $299, now selling at $279.

so i went on to seek for assistance [cos all the players were kept in locked glass cabinet] and had a chance to touch/hold both to compare them carefully, from their body mass, size, to their details. and i was thinking whether sony one was better cos the usual price was the same as philips even though it is smaller in screen size [yet better image quality] so after second thoughts i decided to get the white sony pdp instead of philips, cos the size is smaller, easier to keep in my bag/carry around :)) plus i heard sony was quite trust able for their goods, don't know any about philips though (@_@)"

get the person to check the stock and found out that...


only left pink :( and i die die will not buy the one on display!
so i gave up and said goodbye to best denki and said hello to courts at tampines mall ;) HAHA.. guess what! the assistant from courts checked and told me they still have 2 more new one, WHITE COLOUR! but the price stated there was 'usual price $399, now $299' and the sales person let out another information, he said two weeks ago it was selling at $179 [can you believe it?] they call it the 'COURTS MEGA RAYA SALES' then he went on and check whether the offer was still on and to my surprise, YES IT IS STILL ON!!

but ya know, people out there always like to cheat impulsive-looking-buyer, like me. so i told the guy, maybe i'll come back next week [in mind: if i can find better deal from expo then won't come back lo] and he asked me 'may i know what's holding you back' with a confident look... and i just honestly told him "oh cos this friday harvey norman having sale at expo, if i cannot find from there then might come back and buy from you" [after saying.. in mind: ah ya, why must i say out.. zzz like so stupid, why can't i just lie.. tsktsk]

so he told me harvey norman sure cannot find such good deal. i asked him why? "then why you all sell so cheap" then he answered "don't know cos it's the COURTS MEGA RAYA SALES" and i guess it's because they wanna faster get rid of the sony, cos newer version coming in [info heard from best denki though] then thinking of the crowd i will have to encounter at expo, i've decided to buy from courts instead. [i just don't enjoy crowds and long waiting queue line :/]

so after hours of googling for information and thinking [yesterday till now]
i'd decided to get the white sony pdp from courts at $179 :)
wish me luck on not getting con or something like that... again :)

IceQueen♥ i just knew too much

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