Tuesday, July 7, 2009

no boundaries

finally accomplished this sudoku puzzle book of mine[spot the name on it].. it really worked as a good source of time-killing. i bought it like one year ago from taka's kinokuniya, been working on it on and off.. haha cos got stuck with one puzzle before and stopped playing for a period of time. den recent month start to play with it again. rest assure that i did not spoil the fun by peeking at any of the answers given at the rear pages. i enjoyed the challenges from there, so anyone have good recommendation of sudoku book please inform me! huhu~ :D

spotted this cool/weird/enormous vehicle outside suntec city's bus stop. there are quite a few of it, parading along the road... it makes me wonder.. what exactly it is built for?

close-up view of the vehicle. so anybody have any idea what is it, do let me know? ;)

this is kai's boutique at far east plaza #03-100, newly launched on 20june, saturday. isn't it pretty? as pretty as my lady boss besides me right, she is the designer/lady boss of the shop, kai. not that im really 'huge' in size, but standing beside this super-skinny babe, im really out casted :( and for those who are not aware, she's a super-mummy of 3 kids now!
alright, those guys out there who wanted a chance to know her initially.. help yourself; go jump off building or whatever, because she's married to my boss, donald! :D i think, they are made of each other ;)

hahaha. drew this sometime ago in fourskin. when this colleague of mine, bryan, keep disturbing me... i drew this as a pay back :PP yeah call me childish but...
it's my life, you don't live it! :PP

attachment is transforming me into a vampire! everyday left house before the sun rises. stay indoor for the entire morning till evening [except for 1hour++ of lunch-time]. by the time i knock off from work, it's 6 o'clock. sun setting already... as im getting fairer, im kinda use to it, the way i looked. and besides, these few days been reading twilight series storybook [now on the third book, Eclipse!], so under the influence of the story.. i don't mind walking around looking like a bloodsucker now! WAHAHA~ and i don't know if i should play beach volleyball again, cos will get tan from sentosa's hardcore sun. and wonder if i will look fatter in my beach outfit now xP can't go around scaring people with fleshy white flesh~ tsktsk xP
the far view of my attachment company at tampines. a-riet is just the landlord, not the actual name of our company. our company is called MBE technology though.

the contrast of a darkening sky can be seen clearly outside my office. after 4/5 weeks of hanging out here, it finally rains! before that, the weather is always sunny in here.

had a hard time capturing this 'special/cool' cloud man. while on my way home from attachment, was seating in a bus. so have to wait until nothings in the way then can capture the full view. from the big patch of cloud, you can see something glowing/shadowing, which i find it cool and unusual.
what do you call that? hmm~~

saying cheese~ ;)

IceQueen♥ i just knew too much

My playground