Monday, July 6, 2009

updated on kelly's birthday celebration

heyhey! below are some 'amazing' photos taken during kelly's birthday celebration on 12june[official birthday @ kelly's place] and 13 june[celebrated again at ivan's place]. had loads of fun and laughter there, i can hardly remember when was the last time i'd a good laugh. like naturally, without much concern of who's around [with kelly's entire relative there while we youngsters happily LOL the whole night]

on the first day of celebration, the people who were there; chongyi, minzhui, vincent, peisheng, ashley, ivan, sarah, shihui, cherie, meixuan, esther, me and none other that the birthday boy; kelly!

here we go...

rest of the photos are taken during the second day of celebration.. the organizers decided to come up with a theme party, which turn out to be nothing but disappointing/boring saturday for me[i swear i will not sacrifices another saturday of work for you guys again, ever!]. the theme of the so called 'party' was RETRO and colour scheme was yellow or pink. so the day before, i went to ransack my wardrobe for clothes that can meet the condition. from what you can see below, was the end result of my creation :/
most of my friend was overwhelmed with surprised when they met me, some of them still sarcastically say "eh, when we say retro, it's only abit of the hairdo and accessories la" which hint that im over doing? i really got pissed me off, from then. actually i was half expecting that they might not be able to come out with something as retro as how i looked, so i was prepared to be the odd one out. but i least expect them to say such words... something so... irresponsible? cos it's like the idea of having a theme came from them and not myself, so what's the point of creating a theme party that did not make any sense, when it comes to dressing and stuff. i will never wear such weird combination of clothes if not because of the lousy suggestion. guess they only care for themselves, even when i hide myself somewhere for hours, it does not bother to them at all.
let's just be frank...
and some damn thing happen while making my way home at late night 11plus going 12. while waiting at one of the traffic light area, all the bus that leads to my house just happened to pass me by, keeping my fingers crossed that they are not the last buses. while waiting at the bus stop, there is this white lorry that stopped in front. the uncle seating in the driver's seats keep looking at me and it's obvious cos there's only me at the bus stop. a lady alighted from his lorry, but he was still not leaving. until the lady gone out of sight, he shouted to me from his seats "hey, let me drive you home" and the way he put it is like as if im his friend or what. then i just turn a deaf ear on him and looked away. so he gave up and drove away. it took less than a second to realise why he's doing so.... damn it! he must have mistaken me for some 'joo chiat terminator' and stuff. due to what? 100percent is due to my dressing. shame on the uncle for being so 'helpful', i have better way to end myself than enter your lorry man!! [when i was about to hire a cab from the big yet empty road, bus 7 came and i took it, and i have to walk back home cos the bus isn't a direct one]
i totally regretted to attend the event and make a fool out of myself. you guys don't understand how much pride i have lose during this little event that meant nothing much to you all. blame myself for being stupid on dressing until like that and not leaving earlier, which is what i intially wanted. but then again they never fails to procastinate whatever shit they want to do, so i got fed up and left alone. i've used up all my patience on you guys. esp some guys who only show favour to the rest except me. i don't know what's the problem at all when i did nothing to them.
and i really don't care if what i've voiced out might hurt any of their feelings. because i think they have better things to talk about and care in their life, rather then landing themselves here in my blog. so nothing to worry actually. our relationship will still be the same. on the outside looked like "forever friend" but what's on the inside does not seem as good as the outer. i did not want things to be this way too. it's nothing personal, just the actual situation you guys did not realise.
and i have never regretted claming " i have no best friend, everybody is treated equally" so please... for the millonth time, don't try to provoke me by saying "wa, that who and you, BESTFRIEND!" i had enough of entertaining them back like "YA why? you wanna join?" to show that im not bother at all, in hope that they will give up on the thought of using that to irritate me. but for some, they still enjoys doing that.
i have no idea at all. big big sigh~ just so you know.

HAHA... that's what i always 'wear' on my face.. nobody will understand, ever! when will be the day i could find a soul-mate. something better than 'friends'.
who doesn't long for someone to hold
who knows how to love you without being told
somebody tell me why i'm on my own
if there's a soulmate for everyone
most relationshio seem so transitory
they're all good but not the permanent one

IceQueen♥ i just knew too much

My playground